
Herpes Supplements: Managing Herpes Outbreaks Naturally


Living with herpes comes with its challenges, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle can play a crucial role in managing outbreaks. In this article, we'll delve into dietary choices and specific supplements known for their potential in keeping herpes outbreaks at bay.


The Amino Acid Herpes Dislikes: Lysine, an essential amino acid, is known to hinder the replication of the herpes virus. While it's naturally present in various foods, supplementing can be beneficial, especially if …

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Navigating Unexpected Rejection: Herpes and the Unseen Impact on Friendships

Living with a herpes diagnosis presents challenges beyond the physical symptoms and the potential rejection from romantic partners. Often overlooked is the heartbreaking reality of facing rejection from those we expect to stand by us unconditionally—our friends and family. In a recent support group meeting, the conversation delved deep into this aspect, shedding light on the often silent but profound impact of rejection within friendships following a herpes diagnosis.

The stories shared in ou…

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How Many times People Have Sex


Sexuality forms a vital part of our lives, weaving intimacy and connection into relationships. Yet, pinning down the ideal frequency of sexual activity can be like navigating through uncharted waters. Everyone has unique desires, leading to differing needs for intimacy throughout the week. According to experts, the benefits of regular sexual activity extend beyond pleasure, contributing significantly to both physical and mental well-being while fostering a deeper bond between partners. However, …

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Turmoil with the Herpes Outbreak Cycle

Let's talk about the emotional turmoil that accompanies the herpes outbreak cycle. It's akin to being trapped in a cycle, much like the "Hotel California" where you check-in but struggle to leave. The sensation of an outbreak emerging is all too familiar. It starts with tingling, itching, burning, or even pain, signaling another unwelcome episode of herpes. And so begins the roller coaster of anxiety.

This roller coaster doesn't wait for an invitation; it just shows up, demanding attention.…

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Understanding the Herpes Stigma: How Perception Doesn't Match Reality


In a world where fear often overshadows facts, herpes stands as a prime example. The perception of this virus as a severe health threat doesn't align with its actual impact. Let's dive deeper into the reality behind the stigma and how it's evolved over time.

Herpes simplex virus, particularly HSV-2, usually linked with genital outbreaks, affects approximately 11.9 percent of Americans aged 14 to 49, with the majority being unaware of their infection. This lack of awareness is partly due to the …

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My Fifth Cold Sore Ever and How We Support Each Other in Our Support Group Calls

As we gather each week for our support group, it never fails to amaze me how our conversations organically weave around different themes. Sometimes it's dating, rejection, diet – each sharing a piece of our lives. This time, I'm stepping into vulnerability to share my recent experience.

Let me take you to my Sunday. Picture this: a serene Sunday afternoon, watching my son splash in the bathtub when suddenly, I felt a tiny bump on my lip. Disbelief and panic struck. I had minutes before work…

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Thyroid & Gut Health and It's Connection to Herpes With Coach Sarah Joy Podcast  (Blog Banner) lifewithherpes

I recently had this amazing chat with Coach Sarah Joy on my podcast Life with Herpes. We really got into the nitty-gritty of how thyroid health, gut stuff, and even herpes are all connected. It was a real eye-opener!

During our talk, we dug deep into the whole health scene, sharing our personal stories and experiences. Sarah opened up about her own struggles with Epstein Barr, hypothyroidism, and dealing with the challenges of herpes. It's what got her super passionate about educating and e…

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Best Herpes Dating Advice: What Community Says?

Dating with herpes might feel like a the biggest task. The already complex world of dating seems to gain an additional layer of challenge—navigating the disclosure and acceptance of having herpes. When I received my genital herpes diagnosis back in 2011, fear engulfed me. It petrified me so much that I stayed in a relationship with the person I'd contracted herpes from. For two years, I held back, not knowing how to broach the daunting conversation of disclosure. Looking back, I wish I had posse…

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Understanding Cold Sores


Dealing with a cold sore, also known as oral herpes, can be both physically uncomfortable and emotionally distressing. "When people hear 'herpes,' there's an immediate association with a highly stigmatized virus," notes Dr. Chris Adigun, a board-certified dermatologist in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

The stigma surrounding cold sores carries tangible repercussions. According to a Compeed poll, 28 percent of respondents admitted staying home due to a cold sore outbreak. Those affected often gr…

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Overcoming Anxiety from a Herpes Diagnosis and Embracing Life's Moments

The moment we leave the doctor's office or hang up the phone after hearing the diagnosis, a whirlwind of emotions takes over. Questions flood our minds – will I be loved, will I ever have sex again, can I accept myself? It's a storm of confusion, blame, and the relentless 'why me?' echoing in our thoughts. Then, the days pass, and the worry intensifies.

We might turn to Google, only to plunge into a world of terrifying possibilities, imagining ourselves as walking hazards, capable of transm…

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