

The Day I Got Diagnosed with Genital Herpes Was the Worst Day of My Life: Oh Sh*T Anniversary pt.5

ohahitannuversary6the dayiwasdiagnosed1.7. (Blog Banner)

It's Friday July 1st and this was the day that changed my everything. This was the day 13 years ago that I got diagnosed with genital herpes. I still have the dress that I was wearing when I was diagnosed with herpes so I thought I'd be fun to try it on.

If you can remember I had gone for my annual physical on Tuesday, so I was patiently awaiting my results. I was thinking that if I don't get a phone call by 3:00 then I'll have to call the doctors because otherwise it's a holiday weekend w…

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What Life with Herpes Looks like for 13 Years - Oh Sh*T Anniversary Pt.5

ohahitannuversary5 30.6. (Blog Banner)

In case you're just tuning in and haven't been following along this weeks series, let me bring you up to date. This is my "oh shit anniversary", aka the week I got diagnosed with genital herpes. So I'm bringing you along for the emotional ride and sharing what my diagnosis was like.

At this point in the week I still had not received my diagnosis and there was still so much up in the air. I remember feeling so unsettled and was in limbo wondering if I had herpes and if it was going to change…

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Embracing Motherhood with Herpes: Celebrating Mother's Day with Understanding and Support


Honoring Motherhood on Mother's Day: A New Perspective Amidst Herpes Concerns

Mother's Day is a time of celebration and appreciation, reflecting a deep-seated tradition of recognizing the enduring relationships between mothers and their children. This day, enriched by the efforts of historical advocates like Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, has grown from its roots in peace activism and cultural respect into a day that balances personal homage with commercial acknowledgment. Yet, within the…

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Navigating Pregnancy with Herpes: Understanding Concerns and Recommendations

As we embrace the new year and Pre-Pregnancy Awareness Month, it's crucial for women diagnosed with herpes to navigate their pregnancy journey with awareness and proactive measures. Herpes, a common viral infection, can present specific concerns during pregnancy due to potential risks associated with the virus.

Concerns for Women with Herpes During Pregnancy

  1. Transmission Risk to the Baby: The foremost concern revolves around the possibility of transmitting the herpes virus to the bab…

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Living with Herpes: Navigating Parenthood and Love

Being newly diagnosed with herpes can be an emotionally challenging experience, especially for parents who worry about transmitting the virus to their children. It's common to feel like your entire body is contagious and that the fear of passing the virus on to your loved ones, especially your baby, is overwhelming. This fear can make you question your ability to love and be loved, and it can hinder your ability to fully embrace parenthood.

To address these fears, it's crucial to understand h…

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Understanding Herpes: Insights from an OBGYN

Interview John Martin YT (Blog Banner)

Living with herpes can be challenging and overwhelming, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. In a recent interview, we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. John Martin, an experienced OBGYN, who shared valuable insights about herpes, its impact on pregnancy, and how individuals can navigate this diagnosis. Join us as we delve into the conversation and gain a better understanding of herpes from a medical professional's perspective.

Don't Blame, Educate:

Dr. Martin emphasize…

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How Do You Get Pregnant without Transmitting Herpes to Your Partner?

How Do You Get Pregnant without Transmitting Herpes to Your Partner (Blog Banner)

When we hear about herpes or are diagnosed with herpes we automatically think we have to use a condom or some type of protection for the rest of our life.

I've had a lot of you ask me about my story and how did I get pregnant and was I worried about transmitting it to my husband.

OK so firstly my pregnancy story is a little different. I went through IVF, which stands for In-vitro Fertilization. In other words, Clinton was conceived in a lab and then he was implanted into my uterus. But b…

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Outbreaks While You’re Pregnant: What to Do

Outbreaks While You're pregnant (Blog Banner)

First of all, congratulations!!!!! This is such an exciting time of your life and to think that you are going to have a baby! I honestly miss being pregnant and just enjoying all the anticipation and joy that was to come. 

OK, so back to you and your outbreaks. 

Obviously we don’t want to get outbreaks and we want to take care of our bodies the best we can to prevent outbreaks and also protect our baby. 

Let me tell you a bit abut my pregnancy. I went through IVF to have Clinton and I never…

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What It’s like Being a Mom Living with Herpes

being a mommy with herpes (Blog Banner)

I didn’t know if I wanted to have kids but one of the first questions I asked my doctor when I was diagnosed with herpes was, “can I still have a baby”?

Becoming a parent is such a gift and whether or not we know we want to become parents, to have the option or choice taken from you feels gut wrenching. That was exactly how I felt while I was waiting for my doctor to answer. 

Now you can fast forward and look at my Instagram, Tiktok and see that I’m a mommy to the most adorable little boy. So …

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Herpes Viruses & How It Affects Children

157_ Are Children Safe If Infected With Herpes_ alexandra harbushka blog

Will herpes impact your child's health?

There’s been a lot of parents or people who want to become parents  recently asked about their kids. When were diagnosed with herpes were worried that we could potentially pass this to someone we love and of course accidentally to our kids. 

I want to cover the facts and how you can prevent transmission to your kids. 

Over the years I’ve had people reach out to me with questions and of course stories when it comes to herpes and their kids. I’ve had pare…

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