
Is It a Disservice to Not Inform Someone About Herpes?

Wow...this week's support group was by far one of our top conversations. Yes, we're going to touch on one of the topics that we spoke on, but wow, it was really a call about self-love! We truly dove deep, talking about how we create our own reality around our herpes diagnosis and how we have the power to decide our confidence.
When we're diagnosed with herpes, our confidence level is in the negative, and it's something that only we can work on to get back. On the call, we had people saying that…

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Embracing Motherhood with Herpes: Celebrating Mother's Day with Understanding and Support


Honoring Motherhood on Mother's Day: A New Perspective Amidst Herpes Concerns

Mother's Day is a time of celebration and appreciation, reflecting a deep-seated tradition of recognizing the enduring relationships between mothers and their children. This day, enriched by the efforts of historical advocates like Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, has grown from its roots in peace activism and cultural respect into a day that balances personal homage with commercial acknowledgment. Yet, within the…

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Understanding the Emotional Toll: Mental Health in the Shadow of Herpes


Navigating the Emotional Landscape: Mental Health and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

As we observe National Mental Health Awareness Week, it's crucial to spotlight not just general mental health challenges but also those conditions often cloaked in stigma and misunderstanding, like Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). A diagnosis of HSV can be a profound emotional upheaval, leading to a myriad of psychological challenges that can affect overall well-being.

The Psychological Impact of an HSV Diagnosis


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Herpes: Scarier in Your Head Than to Everyone Else

This week in our support group call, we celebrated a few members who are preparing to disclose their herpes status—congratulations are in order! The scenarios varied, including friends with benefits, a long-distance fling, and someone brand new, pondering the right time to have the conversation. We discussed the logistics of disclosure, debating whether it's best done over the phone, through text, or perhaps before boarding a plane to visit a long-distance crush. Despite the different contexts, …

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Understanding Herpes: Navigating Outbreaks, Healing, and Viral Shedding



Herpes is a widespread viral infection impacting millions of individuals worldwide. Despite often being stigmatized, a deeper understanding of the virus, its symptoms, and management strategies can significantly enhance the quality of life for those affected. This blog post aims to elucidate the healing process associated with herpes outbreaks and the concept of viral shedding, providing essential guidance for those navigating this condition.

Understanding Herpes

Herpes s…

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Vitamin C Day Celebration: Harnessing Nature's Super Antioxidant for Health and Skin Care


Celebrating Vitamin C Day: Unlocking the Power of Nature’s Super Antioxidant

April 4 marks a special occasion for health enthusiasts and nutrition experts alike - Vitamin C Day. This day is not just a tribute to the humble vitamin that has been a cornerstone of health and nutrition; it’s a celebration of life, vitality, and the remarkable benefits Vitamin C offers to our body, particularly in wound healing and overall well-being.

A Historical Glimpse into Vitamin C’s Legacy

Long before it…

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4 Things I'm Doing to Uplevel My Life Even Though I Have Herpes – Tips and Tricks!

4 things i'm doing to uplevel my life  Podcast  (Blog Banner) lifewithherpes

Living with herpes can present unique challenges, but it doesn't have to define our lives. In fact, there are proactive steps we can take to enhance our overall well-being and live our best lives despite the diagnosis. In this blog post, we'll explore four key strategies for upleveling life with herpes.

Prioritize Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, especially when living with herpes. Prioritize sleep by establishing a bedtime routine that includes avoiding sc…

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National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day: Sweet Strategies for Herpes Management


Celebrating National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day with a Twist: A Herpes Perspective

You might be scratching your head, wondering what National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day, coming up on April 21, has to do with navigating life with HSV. It seems like a stretch, right? Chocolate and cashews, while undeniably delicious, aren't exactly what you'd expect to find on a blog focused on herpes management. But here's where it gets interesting: This seemingly odd pairing of topics is not just ab…

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Decoding Your Herpes IgG Test: Understanding Results and Next Steps


Understanding Your Herpes IgG Test Results: A Simple Guide

This week on the support group call, we had some questions about testing. Questions like, "Does this mean I'm positive, negative, or what the heck does equivocal mean?" Now, personally, I've shied away from really getting too nitty-gritty on these details because I'm not a doctor and I cannot diagnose you or even interpret your test results. However, what I can do is give you an overview of how we test, what the tests mean, and when…

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April's Berry Boost: Cranberries and Gooseberries for Herpes Management


April's Special: Uncovering the Berry Benefits for Herpes Management

At first glance, cranberries and gooseberries might seem like unlikely heroes for those of us navigating life with herpes. Yet, as we constantly seek beneficial health insights tailored to our community, it's fascinating to discover how these seemingly ordinary fruits pack extraordinary health benefits, particularly for people living with HSV. As April ushers in the celebration of Cranberries and Gooseberries Month—a tradi…

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