
Something Was Wrong but I Didn't Think It Was Herpes - Oh Sh*T Anniversary Pt.1

ohahitannuversary1 26.6. (Blog Banner)

This week we're going to do something different.

13 years ago I was diagnosed with genital herpes.

This week is the same week as in 2011. I've shared things here and there but I've never walked you through exactly what I did and how I felt. Share what I can remember and the good, the bad and the ugly. My intention for this week is to bring awareness to herpes: your life moves on and you forget how big of a deal it is. Talk you through the exact week 13 years ago, build awareness and hand…

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Navigating Disclosure: How to Tell Your Partner About Your Herpes Status Despite Their STI Jokes


Empowering Yourself to Have the Conversation You Deserve

This week on our support group calls, we had some new members. Welcome!!! As you know, I love our Monday support group calls, and I get so excited when we have new members. To me, this means that someone is ready to heal their deep wounds, begin learning how to handle their diagnosis, and start changing their life. When we're diagnosed, we feel like we've been given this huge curse and that it's something we will never get over. It's …

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How Soon After Suspected Exposure Should You Test for Herpes?


A Guide to Timing Your Herpes Test for Accurate Results

If you suspect you've been exposed to herpes, one of the first questions that might come to mind is, "When should I get tested?" The timing of your test is crucial for obtaining accurate results, and it depends on the type of test you choose. In this post, we'll break down the different types of herpes tests, including swab tests and blood tests, and explain the best timing for each.

Understanding Herpes Testing

Herpes testing can be…

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Why You Might Be Getting Back-to-Back Herpes Outbreaks


Identifying and Managing Factors That Cause Frequent Outbreaks

Experiencing frequent herpes outbreaks can be frustrating and concerning. Understanding why you might be getting back-to-back outbreaks is crucial for managing your condition effectively. In this post, we'll explore common factors that can trigger frequent herpes outbreaks and provide strategies for reducing their frequency.


One of the most common reasons for frequent herpes outbreaks is stress. Stress can weaken your i…

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Understanding Herpes Symptoms: Common, Misunderstood, and Equivocal Answers

This week we welcomed some new faces to the group, and I absolutely loved supporting each of you. I know that it can be scary and maybe even paralyzing to join a support group for herpes, but by joining, you're beginning to heal your emotional wounds from your herpes diagnosis. This week, many people talked about what it's like to get diagnosed and the dark thoughts that go along with it. It can be such a scary time, but taking the first steps to educate yourself and join the Secret Society will…

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Getting Herpes from a Virgin Partner: Understanding Transmission Risks


How Herpes Can Be Contracted Even from a Partner with No Previous Sexual Experience

Herpes is a highly contagious virus that can be contracted in various ways, often leading to confusion and misconceptions about its transmission. One common question is whether it’s possible to get herpes from a virgin partner. The answer may surprise you, as herpes can indeed be transmitted even if your partner has no prior sexual experience. In this post, we’ll explore how this can happen and what steps yo…

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Understanding Rejection and Disclosure in Herpes Conversations

I know I say it weekly, but our Monday support groups are amazing! It was so special to hear people in the group talk about how they found the community within weeks of being diagnosed and how joining our support groups has helped tremendously with their mental capacity to go through the herpes journey. We have people in the community who've had herpes for 30+ years who are able to share their advice and support one another, and it truly warms my heart.

On Mondays, we had some great conversat…

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The Anxiety of Herpes Testing: Navigating the Waiting Period with the IGG Blood Test



The decision to undergo herpes testing can evoke a mix of emotions, including anxiety, uncertainty, and anticipation. For many individuals, the waiting period post-exposure can feel like an eternity, filled with questions and doubts about their health and future. In this guide, we'll explore the nervousness surrounding herpes testing, particularly the waiting period, and offer strategies for navigating this challenging time with the IGG blood test.

Understanding the Emotio…

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Harnessing the Power of Lysine: A Guide to Managing Herpes with Nutrition



In the journey of managing herpes, nutrition plays a vital role in supporting the immune system and minimizing outbreaks. As we commemorate Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day, let's delve into the significance of incorporating lysine-rich foods and supplements into your diet for effective herpes management.

Understanding the Importance of Diet in Herpes Management

The connection between diet and herpes outbreaks is well-documented, with certain foods acting as triggers …

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Overcoming the Shame of Herpes and Handling Rejection with Confidence


Embracing Self-Worth and Resilience

Herpes is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, yet the stigma surrounding it often leads to feelings of shame and isolation. If you're struggling with the emotional toll of herpes and the fear of rejection, know that you're not alone. In this post, we'll explore ways to overcome shame, build confidence, and handle rejection with grace and resilience.

This Week's Monday Call: A Transformational Experience

This week's Monday…

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