
Herpes 101

Does Herpes Have a Smell?


Understanding Symptoms and Hygiene Practices

One common question about herpes is whether it has a distinct smell. Understanding the symptoms of herpes and maintaining proper hygiene can help you manage your condition more effectively. In this post, we’ll explore whether herpes has a smell and provide tips on hygiene practices to keep you comfortable and confident.
Herpes itself does not have a specific smell. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes outbreaks of sores and blisters, which ca…

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How I Spent My 4th of July with a Herpes Diagnosis - Oh Sh*T Anniversary Pt. 7

ohahitannuversary7 my4thofjuly (Blog Banner)

Everything feels so out of reach when you are first diagnosed. Everything comes crumbling down and you feel like you're never going to be able to come up for air. It's suffocating and terrifying at the same time. Would love to tell you after I was diagnosed I picked up and was able to straighten my life out right away. That wasn't the case and I did not have a rebound in one day or even the week later.

Back when I was diagnosed I was really struggling. So now it's the 4th of July. I had pla…

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What Doctor Said when I Went for My Physical: Oh Sh*T Anniversary pt.3

ohahitannuversary2 28.6. (Blog Banner)

In case you missed it, we're in the middle of the Oh Shit Anniversary. It was 11 years ago I was diagnosed with herpes. This is the exact day 13 years ago....

Now it's Tuesday and I know something is wrong. This is the same day as it was eleven years ago. By now the blisters had fully shown up and I was in unbelievable pain. I felt so sick and could not imagine what was going on. Today was supposed to be just a regular physical but instead it turned into the day to go to the doctors and get…

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Something Was Wrong but I Didn't Think It Was Herpes - Oh Sh*T Anniversary Pt.1

ohahitannuversary1 26.6. (Blog Banner)

This week we're going to do something different.

13 years ago I was diagnosed with genital herpes.

This week is the same week as in 2011. I've shared things here and there but I've never walked you through exactly what I did and how I felt. Share what I can remember and the good, the bad and the ugly. My intention for this week is to bring awareness to herpes: your life moves on and you forget how big of a deal it is. Talk you through the exact week 13 years ago, build awareness and hand…

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The Anxiety of Herpes Testing: Navigating the Waiting Period with the IGG Blood Test



The decision to undergo herpes testing can evoke a mix of emotions, including anxiety, uncertainty, and anticipation. For many individuals, the waiting period post-exposure can feel like an eternity, filled with questions and doubts about their health and future. In this guide, we'll explore the nervousness surrounding herpes testing, particularly the waiting period, and offer strategies for navigating this challenging time with the IGG blood test.

Understanding the Emotio…

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Understanding the Emotional Toll: Mental Health in the Shadow of Herpes


Navigating the Emotional Landscape: Mental Health and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

As we observe National Mental Health Awareness Week, it's crucial to spotlight not just general mental health challenges but also those conditions often cloaked in stigma and misunderstanding, like Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). A diagnosis of HSV can be a profound emotional upheaval, leading to a myriad of psychological challenges that can affect overall well-being.

The Psychological Impact of an HSV Diagnosis


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STD Awareness Month: Educate, Test, Treat

April marks STD Awareness Month, a critical time to shed light on sexual health issues that affect millions worldwide. Amidst growing concerns over the increasing rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), our commitment to educating the public and promoting health and wellness has never been more important. This month, we take an extra step to discuss not just prevention and awareness but also innovative solutions like HerpAlert for discreet herpes testing and treatment.

The Crucial Role…

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Spring Break Serenity: Navigating Herpes Wellness and Safe Practices


Navigating Spring Break with Herpes Wellness and Safe Practices

As the vibrant hues of spring beckon, so does the allure of Spring Break, a time of exploration, relaxation, and often, travel. While the prospect of a getaway brings excitement, it's essential to acknowledge the potential impact on our well-being, particularly for those managing conditions like herpes. In this blog post, we'll delve into the intersection of travel-induced stress and herpes outbreaks during Spring Break. Additi…

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Neuro-Somatic Harmony: Healing Shame, Nerves, and Herpes with Elisabeth Kristof


Unlocking Wellness: Elisabeth Kristof's Expertise in Neuro-Somatic Healing

March ushers in Brain Awareness Week, a global celebration spotlighting the intricate world of brain science. With over 100 billion neurons orchestrating our every move, this week serves as a reminder of the progress and benefits derived from brain research. Notably, the exploration of brain function extends beyond the biological realm, delving into the intricate relationship between shame, the nervous system, and th…

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Can You Test Negative After Testing Positive for Herpes?


Have you recently tested positive for herpes, but now you're wondering if it's possible to test negative? Understanding herpes testing can be confusing, especially when you receive unexpected results. Let's delve into this topic and address common questions surrounding herpes testing.

Understanding Herpes Testing

Herpes testing typically involves two types of tests: blood tests and swab tests. Blood tests look for antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the herpes virus, while …

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