
Herpes 101

Asymptomatic and Living with Herpes

Asymptomatic and Living with Herpes (Blog Banner)

What does asymptomatic mean and how does this relate to living with herpes?

Let me assume that you are either reading this because you just found out you have herpes but have never gotten an outbreak. Or you've had one outbreak and haven't had any more outbreaks in years. The unique thing about the herpes virus is it has the ability to go dormant in our system, thus making the person living with herpes asymptomatic.

According to Oxford's dictionary the definition of asymptomatic is, "(of…

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Is Herpes Always Genital or Oral?

Is Herpes Always Genital or Oral (Blog Banner)

This is such a great question. I still get people who are shocked at the fact that both HSV 1 and 2 can go to either location.
If that came as a surprise to you let me then explain.
Traditionally we believed that HSV1 was only oral herpes and it could only be oral herpes and that was the good type of herpes. At the same time we believed that genital herpes was always HSV2 and it would only stay in the genital region and it was the bad kind. Firstly, there is no good or bad kind of herpes. An…

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You Have Herpes Questions, the Top FAQ's Answered - Oh Sh*T Anniversary Pt.4

ohahitannuversary4 26.6. (Blog Banner)

One of the things I distinctly remember when I was in the waiting period and wondering if I had herpes I also began to ask myself questions about living with herpes. I mean, what if I had herpes? How would my life look differently? How would I ever date again? Would I have to marry this guy that I was dating? Would I just be having constant outbreaks all the time or would I never get another outbreak ever? Literally, there were so many questions.

So I can imagine that if you were just diagn…

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What You Need to Know about Herpes in 2022 - Oh Sh*T Anniversary Pt.2

ohahitannuversary2 27.6.(Blog Banner)

As I've mentioned before I've had herpes for a long time. I was diagnosed with HSV1 oral in 2003 and then with HSV2 genital in 2011. So it's safe to say I've had my ups and downs as well as I've dealt with lots of stigma over the decades.

I think back in 2003 and in the early 2000's herpes was something that really wasn't talked about. I mean if you go cold sores you most likely didn't know they were contagious and considered herpes. Back then, we for sure didn't associate the idea that ora…

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If I Were Diagnosed with Herpes Today: 3 Things I Would Do Differently

If I Were Diagnosed with Herpes Today(Blog Banner)

I was diagnosed with herpes in 2011. That doesn’t sound like it was too long ago and that we haven't had to many changes but really, when you think about it we’ve had a ton of technological changes. Let me take you back to 2011. There was google, but it wasn’t what it is today. There was Facebook and Instagram, but neither had the impact that they have today. So what I’m trying to say is that there wasn’t the information out there that there is now. When I googled herpes, or who had herpes bac…

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How to Deal with Your First Herpes Outbreak

how to deal with your first herpes outbreak (Blog Banner)

If you’ve just gotten herpes and you are in a ton of pain physically and emotionally, I know what you are going through. 

Sometimes when I look back I think it’s the physical pain that is the most. And then there are other times I think, no, it’s the emotional pain. Regardless they are both there and you are probably feeling something that you have never felt before. 

First of all, I want you to take a deep breath and know that everything is going to be okay. I know it doesn’t feel that way …

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Why I Got Herpes

why i got herpes (Blog Banner)

Why me? This is something I asked myself for years. I would sit crying wondering why this happened to me. What did I do to deserve this? I couldn’t think of anything worse than getting diagnosed with herpes. 

Things that ran through my head were: why me and why not her? How is this going to impact my life? I wasn’t a slut, I didn’t sleep around and I was careful so how did I get this?

The truth is the herpes virus doesn’t really care how many people you’ve slept with. The way you get herpes …

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Herpes Outbreak Toolkit

herpes outbreak toolkit (Blog Banner)

This is something that I felt was so important to put together and I really wish it was something that I could have walked away with when I was diagnosed. I wish that that Dr. would have said, "there is this great online community called Life with Herpes and there is an Outbreak Toolkit that has everything you need to know about herpes.”

So that is why I created this toolkit. When you get your first outbreak, your 100th outbreak or your first outbreak in a really, really long time, all you wa…

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3 Reasons Why 75-90% People with Genital Herpes Don’t Know They Have It

3 Reasons Why 75-90% People With Genital Herpes Don’t Know They Have Genital Herpes (Blog Banner)

If your first outbreak was anything like mine you’re wondering like me: how people could not know they had herpes or at least something going on down there.

Probably similar to you, I was in so much pain. I couldn’t sit down, everything was swollen, my entire body ached. I mean there was zero way I could have missed that something was going on down there. 

But it is true that for many people living with herpes they have no clue they actually have it. Honestly, it’s not hard to find people wi…

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Emergency Call

emergency call (Blog Banner)

So excited to talk about this because there are times when we have an emergency and need to talk to someone. 

This especially happens when you are first diagnosed with herpes. You hang up the phone from your doctor and then are like now what. Who do I talk to? What do I do? The worst thing is to start googling herpes and looking at the pictures. Eek! And then the second worse thing is to sit in your worry and let it consume you. 

I just opened up my schedule and added more days. I’m here for…

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