
Herpes 101

Understanding Cervical Health Concerns with Herpes Outbreaks

Cervical health awareness, spurred by screening methods like Dr. Georgios Nikolaou Papanikolaou's 'Pap smear,' has been crucial in early detection, particularly in cases where symptoms are absent. However, for women with cervical herpes, often characterized by the presence of HSV1, HSV2, or, in rare instances, both cervically, the lack of visible symptoms can lead to undetected outbreaks, typically discovered during routine Pap exams.

In the case of cervical herpes, which can involve either…

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Understanding the Herpes Stigma: How Perception Doesn't Match Reality


In a world where fear often overshadows facts, herpes stands as a prime example. The perception of this virus as a severe health threat doesn't align with its actual impact. Let's dive deeper into the reality behind the stigma and how it's evolved over time.

Herpes simplex virus, particularly HSV-2, usually linked with genital outbreaks, affects approximately 11.9 percent of Americans aged 14 to 49, with the majority being unaware of their infection. This lack of awareness is partly due to the …

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Understanding Cold Sores


Dealing with a cold sore, also known as oral herpes, can be both physically uncomfortable and emotionally distressing. "When people hear 'herpes,' there's an immediate association with a highly stigmatized virus," notes Dr. Chris Adigun, a board-certified dermatologist in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

The stigma surrounding cold sores carries tangible repercussions. According to a Compeed poll, 28 percent of respondents admitted staying home due to a cold sore outbreak. Those affected often gr…

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Overcoming Anxiety from a Herpes Diagnosis and Embracing Life's Moments

The moment we leave the doctor's office or hang up the phone after hearing the diagnosis, a whirlwind of emotions takes over. Questions flood our minds – will I be loved, will I ever have sex again, can I accept myself? It's a storm of confusion, blame, and the relentless 'why me?' echoing in our thoughts. Then, the days pass, and the worry intensifies.

We might turn to Google, only to plunge into a world of terrifying possibilities, imagining ourselves as walking hazards, capable of transm…

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Herpes Awareness Day 2023

herpes awareness day 2023

It's herpes awareness day 2023! We often talk  about herpes 101, herpes stigma, dealing with herpes outbreaks, dating with herpes and being pregnant with herpes! 

Today, we're taking a different route and discussing some lesser-known facts about herpes. Here we go.

Herpes in animals

Herpesviruses can infect a wide range of animal species, both vertebrates and invertebrates. Here are some examples of animals known to be affected by herpesviruses: Chimpanzees and Gorillas; Horses;  CatsDogs; …

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Herpes Diagnosis: From Punishment to Empowerment

Have you ever been handed a diagnosis that made you feel like it was the ultimate punishment? That's how I felt when I was diagnosed with herpes. I believed I deserved it, that somehow I had brought it upon myself. But over time, I realized that dwelling on this belief was not helping me move forward. Instead, I chose to shift my perspective and embrace the idea that getting herpes happened for me, not to me.

It's not easy to change the way you view something as stigmatized as herpes, but mak…

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Herpes Testing: A Journey through Time

History of Herpes Testing A Journey through Time

In today's world, advancements in medical technology have made herpes testing a routine and accessible procedure. However, the journey to reach this point has been marked by significant milestones and breakthroughs. Join us as we embark on a historical exploration of herpes testing, tracing its origins and the remarkable progress made over the years.

  1. Ancient Beliefs and Observations: In ancient times, the understanding of herpes was shrouded in mystery and superstition. Historical texts and…

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The Urgent Need for Comprehensive Sexual Education: Combating the Rise of STIs

Education and prevention of sti (Blog Banner)

Why Education and Prevention Should Be Prioritized Over Antibiotics for STI Control

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are becoming increasingly common in the United States and other countries, a concerning trend acknowledged by healthcare professionals. As a urologist, I have observed a rise in patients seeking treatment for STIs. Recently, while browsing through Twitter, I stumbled upon a USA TODAY news article that referenced a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The …

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The Secret Society: An Online Support Group for Herpes Community

Secret society - show 2022 (Blog Banner)

Finding out you have herpes can be a difficult and isolating experience. When Alexandra, the founder of The Secret Society was first diagnosed, she felt alone and without support. That's why she created The Secret Society, an online support group for people living with herpes.

The Secret Society is a place where people from all over the world come together to find support, make friends, and talk about their herpes journey. It's a safe space where people can be open and honest without fe…

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What to Do If You Were Just Diagnosed with Genital Herpes

What to Do If You Were Just Diagnosed with Genital Herpes (Blog Banner)

When we are diagnosed with genital herpes or oral herpes our hearts sink. We feel totally alone and like nobody understand what we are going through. This was exactly how I felt when I was diagnosed with genital herpes back in 2011.

Something that doesn't help us with this 'alone feeling' is that when we are alone we can go down a rabbit hole and start creating worry which leads to depression or anxiety. I call this phase of just being diagnosed with herpes the Eeyore phase. When we are dia…

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