Outbreak Prevention
Foods That Nourish Your Body with a Herpes Diagnosis
Food is way more important than we think. It has to ability to heal your body or make you sick. This was something that I didn’t really realize until I was diagnosed with herpes. I mean, I always tried to eat healthy and more or less I was healthy but it wasn’t until I got herpes that I completely turned myself around and started really caring what was going in my body.
Before we go into foods that nourish your body with a herpes diagnosis I want to preface that I’m not a doctor, nor a nutri…
Lifesaver SPF Lip Balm
This was the first product that we came out with. You guys were asking for something that was over the counter, natural and could help speed up recovery of a herpes outbreak.
You might have watched the last few videos or read a few of the blog posts as I’ve talked about the Secret Society Wellness products that were created specifically for people living with herpes outbreaks. But in case you haven’t heard of the Secret Society Wellness, let me tell you. The first product we came out with wa…
When Do You Come out of Your Herpes PTSD Aka the Eeyore Phase?
I was stuck in the Eeyore Phase for 2 years. It was awful, painful, yet something that I needed to go through.
With all that being said, I have no desire for you to go through this PTSD for 2 years and that is why I’ve created this community, platform and all the content.
On a serious note, if you are experiencing PTST or extreme emotions that are causing you to not participate in you daily life and have had suicidal thoughts please seek help. Here’s the suicide hotline 800-273-8255 and ple…
Reviver Soap
Posting and talking about our wellness products and so many of you DM’d or commented and said that you had never tried them or have never heard of them. So clearly I was not doing my job and was not sharing the best thing in the herpes world since sliced bread.
So let me tell you how the Secret Society Wellness products got started. There are 2 out of 3 people living with HSV1, now not all of it is oral herpes but the majority of it is. And I realized that there is really nothing out there o…
Is There a Herpes Cure
This is something that we all ask as soon as we are diagnosed. When we find out that the answer is no. We then ask, why not?
The herpes virus is kind of a difficult one to solve. One of the reasons is how the virus lays dormant in some people and in others it is in replication mode.
Basically the virus switches between the "latent" stage and the "lytic" stage, in which it is actively replicating, depending on how tightly its DNA is packaged into bundles called chromatin. (source)
Latent s…
Everyday Soothing Oil
Like I’ve mentioned before when I have asked you guys about the Secret Society Wellness products on my social media platforms you guys have told me that you don’t know about it. So with that being said, I’ve been failing you guys and not sharing the best herpes products ever!
Just a quick background on the vision here. You guys were asking for something to help with outbreaks that was natural and didn’t require a prescription. So our first product was the Lifesaver SPF Lip Balm. We spent ab…
Explode Lube
The Secret Society Wellness Products are something that I have not done a great job of sharing with you. These are products that I formulated with specialists to create natural soothing solutions to people living with herpes outbreaks. We launched the first product in 2019 and now we have 11 different wellness products.
So today I want to talk about the only lube that has been formulated to support people living with herpes. As we all know friction can cause outbreaks. The last thing we want…
Dealing with Herpes Anxiety: 3 Tips
This is a question I get almost daily. I either get DM’s, or it’s posted in our Secret Society Support Group, or you guys comment on my posts. The aftermath of being diagnosed with herpes is real.
Firstly let’s talk about anxiety. What is it?
Experiencing anxiety here and there is 100% normal. We have times that we are freaking out. For example;, we can have anxiety of taking a final exam because if we don’t get a certain grade the we won't pass and then we won't graduate because we have to…
Living with Herpes and Still Living Your Best Life
Having herpes is actually a blessing.
Here me out on this one. I know you’re not believing me if you were just diagnosed with herpes. And I didn’t see it that way at all back in 2011. I’ve talked to thousands of people who have been diagnosed with herpes and it always starts out the same way. It starts out as, my life is over and how do I cure this. I’ve talked to people who are suicidal, (here’s the hotline if this is where you’re at 800-273-8255). Basically I’ve seen all levels of devastat…
Everyday Wellness Oil
We’re continuing on as we learn more about the Secret Society Wellness products. I’ve been posting and talking about our wellness products and so many of you DM’d or commented and said that you had never tried them or have never heard of them. So clearly I was not doing my job and was not sharing the best thing in the herpes world since sliced bread.
So let me tell you how the Secret Society Wellness products got started. There are 2 out of 3 people living with HSV1, now not all of it is oral …