
Outbreak Prevention

3 Herpes Outbreak Triggers

3 Herpes Outbreak Triggers - alexandra harbushka blog

Your lifestyle choices can trigger your  herpes outbreaks

Ok so we have herpes and now we want to know what we can do to prevent getting the next outbreak. Because the less often we have outbreaks the less we think about having herpes. It’s kinda the out of sight out of mind. Just a quick reminder that if you have HSV you’ll have it for life, so just because you’re not getting outbreaks it won't mean that you’re cured or in the clear.  You’ll still have to tell you’re partners. Ok, I just wante…

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Best Way to Get Your Daily Herpes Antiviral with HerpAlert

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Ok, great news,  HerpAlert has some exciting new features and I can’t wait to share them with you all. As you know I absolutely love saying the name HerpAlert! But a quick refresher on HerpAlert in case you missed it or are new to the Life With Herpes community, HerpAlert’s an online herpes diagnosis and treatment resource. So if you’re wondering if you have herpes and want a clinical diagnosis ASAP you’d want to go to and fill out your symptoms, upload a picture of the infectio…

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5 Foods That Impact Your Immune System & Cause Herpes Outbreaks

5 Foods That Lower Your Immune System & Cause Herpes Outbreaks - alexandra harbushka - blog 140

Ok so we’ve all heard of how important it is to have a strong immune system. It keeps colds away and it also can keep you from getting herpes outbreaks. Obviously, we want to do everything we can to keep the herpes virus from popping up and causing a painful outbreak. 

What we put in our bodies plays a big role in how we feel, sleep our energy levels as well as our immune system. I’m sure by this point you’ve eaten a meal and then after felt like a slug or not so hot. Either you were bloated or…

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3 Foods To Eat To Prevent A Herpes Outbreak

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There are foods that can help us and there are foods that can hurt us. Here are some delicious ways to help prevent your herpes outbreak. 

Let’s face it. You are what you eat. At the end of the day what you put in your body will either help keep you healthy or make you sick. Food is a pleasure and there are so many yummy things out there. But at the same time, there are some foods that can really help us when it comes to our herpes outbreaks.  With this being said by no means do I want you to d…

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You can get herpes without having sex, here’s how

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Sexual Ways You Can Transmit Herpes Other Than Sex

We’ve all heard the saying people talk about sexual diseases and don’t catch one. We’re taught in sex ed “or maybe we’re taught” that having sex can lead to STI’s, in our case herpes and other things. And so with that said we go out into the world and become sexually active and think that the only way we can get “something” is by having sex. The other big thing we’re told is that if you use a condom then you’re fine but that’s another whole top…

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4 Holistic Ways To Treat Your Herpes Outbreak

128 4 Holistic Ways To Treat Your Herpes Outbreak blog

Life With Herpes 

As we all know there’s a couple of ways to treat ailments or sickness when it happens. We can go to the doctor and get antibiotics or some type of prescription, we can go the holistic way or we can do nothing. In the past decades we got away from the holistic way and anytime we had a sniffle or our finger hurts we to the doctor to get an antibiotic. Now more and more people are turning towards holistic ways to treat a sickness or in our case a herpes outbreak.

Personally, I …

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Herpes and Viral Shedding

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What you need to know about the herpes virus

Welcome to today’s episode of Life With Herpes. As always I am thrilled to have you here with me, and I am thrilled to be doing whatever it is you are doing. Today I want to get specific and nitty-gritty about viral shedding. This is a question I see a lot, and I also see it become the root to a lot of the questions I see so I thought I would get as detailed as possible when it comes to viral shedding. So let’s start from the beginning.

What is Vira…

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Can Your Period Cause a Herpes Outbreak?

Your Period & Herpes 101 blog alexandra harbushka

Aunt Flo bringing the gift that keeps on giving

Welcome to today’s episode on Life With Herpes, thank you for joining me and our other members. Today’s episode is always one of my favorites because I get to hear directly from you. It’s the #AskAlexandra section of the podcast! Today’s question comes from Rose in Franklin Tennessee. She says, “ it feels like I am always getting outbreaks on or around my menstrual cycle. It is possible that my period is creating outbreaks?” Well the answer is yes…

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What To Eat When You Have A Herpes Outbreak

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Food is a powerful tool that can help or hurt your outbreak recovery

Yes, I absolutely love where food and nutrition is moving. It’s moving from something to hold you over or a quick grab and go while on the run to choosing foods that will improve your health.  I love seeing other bloggers, influencers and healthy minded people make nutrition and health a movement. Over the years we’ve forgotten that food is to nourish our body and give us the fuel to do the things we love and instead it’s beco…

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5 Foods That Cause Herpes Outbreaks with Alexandra Harbushka

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Key Foods That Cause Herpes Outbreaks

Some of the top questions that I see happening in our private community are around preventing outbreaks. You guys are asking is there something that is in my diet that is triggering this or is the someway I can control my outbreaks with nutrition. Basically, what can I do to prevent these dang things from interrupting my life?   Ok so the YAASSSS you can. This is good news, right? Trust me, I’m like you and I want to do everything I can to prevent an outbr…

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