Outbreak Prevention
Thyroid & Gut Health and It's Connection to Herpes With Coach Sarah Joy
I recently had this amazing chat with Coach Sarah Joy on my podcast Life with Herpes. We really got into the nitty-gritty of how thyroid health, gut stuff, and even herpes are all connected. It was a real eye-opener!
During our talk, we dug deep into the whole health scene, sharing our personal stories and experiences. Sarah opened up about her own struggles with Epstein Barr, hypothyroidism, and dealing with the challenges of herpes. It's what got her super passionate about educating and e…
Navigating Trauma, Applied Neurology, and Healing: A Personal Journey
In a recent interview, Elisabeth Kristof shared her transformative journey through applied neurology, shedding light on the profound connection between our nervous system and overall well-being. Elisabeth's story begins in Austin, where she ran movement studios and recognized the pivotal role of the nervous system in movement science. This realization led her to dive deep into applied neurology, becoming certified and immersing herself in the field.
Initially, Elisabeth applied her newfound e…
The Secret Society: An Online Support Group for Herpes Community
Finding out you have herpes can be a difficult and isolating experience. When Alexandra, the founder of The Secret Society was first diagnosed, she felt alone and without support. That's why she created The Secret Society, an online support group for people living with herpes.
The Secret Society is a place where people from all over the world come together to find support, make friends, and talk about their herpes journey. It's a safe space where people can be open and honest without fe…
Wellness Products for Herpes Outbreaks
What to Do If You Were Just Diagnosed with Genital Herpes
If I Were Diagnosed with Herpes Today: 3 Things I Would Do Differently
I was diagnosed with herpes in 2011. That doesn’t sound like it was too long ago and that we haven't had to many changes but really, when you think about it we’ve had a ton of technological changes. Let me take you back to 2011. There was google, but it wasn’t what it is today. There was Facebook and Instagram, but neither had the impact that they have today. So what I’m trying to say is that there wasn’t the information out there that there is now. When I googled herpes, or who had herpes bac…
Do Exercise and Herpes Go Together?
This has been a big topic on social media as well as in our Secret Society community. I’ve been getting lots of questions like; will sweat cause an outbreak, will friction cause an outbreak, will HITT cause me to get an outbreak, professional bodybuilders have asked questions about pre-workout and so on.
I want to say first before going into the should and should nots, if exercise makes you happy and you love doing it, then keep it up. In general, if there is something that you love doing …
Foods That Trigger Herpes Outbreaks
So yes, there are some things you can do to help manage your herpes outbreaks and/or feed your herpes outbreak. In other blog posts I talk about lifestyle, supplements and why people get outbreaks. So today I’m going to talk about foods that feed outbreaks and why.
Just so we’re clear, there is not a ton of research done on foods that trigger herpes outbreaks. Typically herpes outbreaks are caused from hormone fluctuations, stress, weak immune system, exposure to hot sun or cold wind. Yes, th…
Positivity Lotion
You might have watched the last few videos or read a few of the blog posts as I’ve talked about the Secret Society Wellness products that were created specifically for people living with herpes outbreaks. But in case you haven’t heard of the Secret Society Wellness, let me tell you. The first product we came out with was the SPF Lifesaver Lip Balm. I can remember launching it when I was pregnant. Anyway, we got so much great feedback and everyone loved the nourishing lip balm that also has ing…
Foods That Nourish Your Body with a Herpes Diagnosis
Food is way more important than we think. It has to ability to heal your body or make you sick. This was something that I didn’t really realize until I was diagnosed with herpes. I mean, I always tried to eat healthy and more or less I was healthy but it wasn’t until I got herpes that I completely turned myself around and started really caring what was going in my body.
Before we go into foods that nourish your body with a herpes diagnosis I want to preface that I’m not a doctor, nor a nutri…