
What To Eat When You Have A Herpes Outbreak

107_ What To Eat When You have An outbreak With Alexandra Harbushka

Food is a powerful tool that can help or hurt your outbreak recovery

Yes, I absolutely love where food and nutrition is moving. It’s moving from something to hold you over or a quick grab and go while on the run to choosing foods that will improve your health.  I love seeing other bloggers, influencers and healthy minded people make nutrition and health a movement. Over the years we’ve forgotten that food is to nourish our body and give us the fuel to do the things we love and instead it’s beco…

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5 Foods That Cause Herpes Outbreaks with Alexandra Harbushka

092_ 5 Foods That Cause Herpes Outbreaks with Alexandra Harbushka blog

Key Foods That Cause Herpes Outbreaks

Some of the top questions that I see happening in our private community are around preventing outbreaks. You guys are asking is there something that is in my diet that is triggering this or is the someway I can control my outbreaks with nutrition. Basically, what can I do to prevent these dang things from interrupting my life?   Ok so the YAASSSS you can. This is good news, right? Trust me, I’m like you and I want to do everything I can to prevent an outbr…

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Arginine and Lysine What It Has To Do With Your Herpes

Ep 091 arginine & lysine blog

What you need to know about Lysine & Arginine to prevent herpes outbreaks.  

Prior to being diagnosed with herpes you probably never heard of arginine and lysine. At least I never did. I am pretty sure it was covered in biology class at some point in high school but not being the science geek that stuff went right out of my memory bank. So what is all this fuss over arginine and lysine and how does it affect people living with herpes?  

Here are the deets.

Let’s go back to science class. Rem…

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Herpes And Dating, 7 Things You Need To Know

Herpes & Dating 088

What You Need To Know When Dating With Herpes

I get it, you were either just diagnosed with having herpes and you feel like your whole world is up in the air or you just broke up and now you are back in the dating game. Regardless, it is scary and now adding herpes to the dating game is a whole new animal. I can remember when I was first on the market after finding out about my diagnosis. I already had herpes for about 2 years before I had broken up with my ex and decided to get out there. All …

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Sexual Ways Herpes Can Be Transmitted

100_ Sexual Ways Herpes Can Be Transmitted With Alexandra Harbushka blog

There's more than just sex that can transmit herpes. 

A lot of times when we are diagnosed with herpes we can become germaphobes. I mean, I already was one and when I got herpes I went over the edge. Anyone else guilty? When I had an outbreak I would begin to alienate my body. I wouldn't touch certain parts of my body and I would ALWAYS wash my hands like 25 times before I touched anything. It was like self-punishment. There is a level when you need to stop, take a deep breath and move on. Peop…

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What Is Herpes?

101_ What Is Herpes_ With Alexandra Harbushka Youtube

Everything You Need To Know About Herpes! 

In general when we hear the word herpes, or STD or STI our heart sinks. We become paralyzed and think, no way this is happening to me. Right? We also hear the word herpes and think, what the heck is it or oh I better google that. Since launching Life With Herpes in June of 2017, I’ve heard pretty much everything when it comes to herpes. Just an FYI...nothing is TMI. So if you DM me don’t be afraid to say it and don’t hold back. I’ve heard things like…

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6 Activities That Cause Herpes Outbreaks

Activities That Cause Herpes Outbreaks with Alexandra Harbushka

Life With Herpes

As someone who has herpes, and I’m guessing you do too because you are reading this, leaning ways to prevent outbreaks is on the top of our list. Clearly after having our first outbreak, which is typically the worst, we never want to experience that again. I know I sure don’t.  Chances are you’ve googled or tuned into Life With Herpes to find out what causes herpes outbreaks. I know I wanted to know what foods cause outbreaks or are there any lifestyle changes I need to make to…

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I Slept with Someone and Didn't Tell Them I Have Herpes

I slept someone and didn't tell them I have herpes with Alexandra Harbushka

What Do I Do Now?

 Hi my friend. Ok, firstly, breath. If you just did this or have been in a relationship with someone have not told them yet that you have herpes then just breath. Let me first start off by saying, I personally did not just sleep with someone and forget to tell them.  However, I know how hard it is to tell someone and in the heat of the moment we get scared and the convo just doesn’t happen. I hear it a lot in our one on one coaching sessions or its the reason why a lot of us …

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089: Herpes Rejection with Alexandra Harbushka

6 Ways To Handle It

Life With Herpes

Nobody likes rejection. In fact, I believe that rejection is what holds most of us back from reaching for the stars, following our dreams, quitting that job, asking that hottie out, being who you are and absolutely loving who you are. I would never want to repeat those jr. high days of wondering if all of a sudden you are not going to be asked to sit at the cool kid table. Or if you missed the memo that everyone was suppose…

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086: Have Him (or Her) Your Way, with Jenn Burton

Life With Herpes

Your Fairy Godmama has got your back...

Welcome to this edition of Life With Herpes. One of the most common topics people ask me about is dating, and I could think of no better person to share with you than Jenn Burton.

Jenn’s business is called Have Him Your Way - and it’s based on her life story of dating, relationships and marriages. She always tried to be who she thought the man wanted her to be. One day she woke up and said no more. Hea…

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