

Can I Get Married If I Have Herpes?

Can I Get Married If I Have Herpes_ - Alexandra Harbushka

Why we hold ourselves back in love with a herpes diagnosis 

Over the years of working on Life With Herpes I’ve spoken to people who’ve not gotten married because they have herpes. I’ve also spoken to people who haven’t had children because they  have herpes but that’s another blog. It makes me really sad when I hear this or read this.  

I know when I was first diagnosed I believe that I had to settle for who I was with because he had herpes, (my gifter) and that nobody would want me or find me…

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Celebrities With Herpes

Celebrities with Herpes - alexandra harbushka blog


Our idols even get herpes

We idolize celebrities and think they walk on water. They're usually very attractive, hard working and have made it into the spotlight. Often times we forget that they’re human and yep they do all the things we do; the fart, they make mistakes and of course they have herpes too. 

I have to say I had fun googling who has herpes. I felt like I was TMZ or Joan Rivers digging up dirt on people. Some people were sued for allegations that they transmitted herpes etc. Lik…

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Oral Sex & Herpes

Oral Sex & Herpes - blog Alexandra Harbushka

What you need to know about oral sex and herpes

One of the common questions I get from the community has to do with oral sex. Oral sex is kind of left out of the equation when we’re talking about sex, sex education or sexual health. Typically what comes to mind when we talk about sex is just the plane old heterosexual vaginal sex. And then when we talk about safe sex or even in sex ed classes, oral sex is kinda just left out. It’s like it’s not really considered sex.  

Ok so here’s the deal, y…

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Can You Have Unprotected Sex with Herpes?

Can You Have Unprotected Sex with Herpes_ - blog Alexandra Harbushka

Do you always have to use protection now that you have herpes?

The quick answer is no! You can absolutely have unprotected sex even if you have herpes. Before we dive deep and go into explanation on this let’s talk about how this is a huge myth and is one of the drivers for the stigma.

When we are diagnosed and told that we have herpes we automatically think that we’re going to be forced to use condoms for the rest of our lives, even when we’re married. Yuck! And this is not true. Yes, condoms…

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Sex with a Herpes Outbreak

Sex With A Herpes Outbreak  with Alexandra Harbushka

Yes, you can have sex and be intimate with your partner even if you have a herpes outbreak. 

Ok I’m sure you’re reading this going...what are you crazy!?! Before you start wondering about transmission and how this is going to work out let me calm you down and explain. 

Sex doesn’t have to mean vaginal sex. That’s typically what we think of when we hear the words sex. It’s pretty conventional and socially we’ve been programed to think of sex as vaginal intercouse. Well, there are many other way…

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How Do I Date with Herpes? 

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Herpes, Dating & Taking Control Of Your Sexual Health

In the Life With Herpes community, the number one question I get has to do with dating. The questions range from will I ever date again, will anyone ever love me, how do I tell my partner and anything in between. 

So here’s the answers….Yes, you’ll date. Yes, you’ll find love. Yes you’ll get the courage to tell the cute person your dating. And Yes you’ll have sex again!!! PROMISE!

There’s good news when it comes to dating with herpes. I’m …

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3 Things You Need to Know when You Date Someone with Herpes

154- 3 Things You Need to Know when You Date Someone with Herpes - blog Alexandra Harbushka

What it's like to date someone with herpes

So the person you like just told you they have herpes. You’re thinking should I date them? What does this mean for me? How’s this going to play into our dating and sex life?  

Ok so first let me calm you down and let you know what it feels like when you’re first diagnosed with herpes. Seriously, dating or being able to date is the number one fear. We think that nobody will date us and that our life is over! The fear of rejection is a real thing and …

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What It's Like To Date Someone With Herpes

_148_ What It's Like To Date Someone With Herpes - blog Alexandra Harbushka

Four Responses You'll Get When You Tell Someone You Have Herpes

Life With has been used as a resource for people who are dating someone with herpes or want to date someone with herpes. The good news is now all the information is at our fingertips and there’s a community there to help. 

This situation of liking someone with herpes comes up a lot. It’s not as uncommon as you think considering that one out of six people have HS2 and two out of three have HSV1. There are many couples wh…

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I Gave Him Herpes, Now What?

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This is one of the scariest things that cross our minds when we’re first diagnosed with herpes. A typical thought that goes through our minds is how awful our diagnosis was and how we’d never want anyone to experience the physical pain of the outbreak. Sometimes we feel like the guilt of giving herpes to someone would be the worst thing too. 

I get asked all the time in our Secret Society about how to deal with giving herpes to your partner. The truth is I’ve never touched on this because I’ve …

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3 Things to Follow when Dating Even with Herpes

3 Things To Remember When Dating Even With Herpes 142 - alexandra harbushka blog

What You Need to Ask Yourself When You're Dating

Dating as a whole can be scary, fun, the time of your life or when will this phase be over. We put so much pressure on ourselves to not waste time and find “the one”. Most of the time we forget to enjoy the person who’s in front of us for who they are. We quickly get rid of or move on from someone because they don’t fit this “mold” we put in our heads. 

It’s totally possible to date someone just because you have fun. Back to talking about being …

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