

Choosing Yourself Over Rejection


When we receive a herpes diagnosis, it's not uncommon to feel paralyzed at the thought of dating. I know I certainly did. I remained in a relationship for two more years than I should have, mainly because I didn't know how to disclose my condition, and I was overwhelmed by the fear of rejection.

Over the years, as I've spoken to thousands of people since starting "Life With Herpes" in 2017, a recurring theme I've observed is the tendency to push away someone we're genuinely interested in. This …

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Why Would Someone Want to Sue for a Herpes Diagnosis?


Dealing with a herpes diagnosis can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. The shock, anger, and frustration that often accompany this diagnosis can lead some individuals to consider suing the person they believe is responsible for their herpes infection. In recent times, a notable lawsuit drew attention when a woman received a substantial $2.4 million settlement due to her herpes infection; you can read about it here. This case, along with others, highlights the growing interes…

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Embracing Resentment: Your Journey after a Herpes Diagnosis

You've just received a herpes diagnosis, and a whirlwind of emotions is surging through you. Anger, fear, and confusion may be the dominant feelings, but what you're experiencing is entirely normal. In this blog post, we're going to delve into these complex emotions and help you understand that resentment, at its core, is often rooted in jealousy. You're not alone in this journey, and by seeking support, like the Life With Herpes Secret Society, you'll find a glimmer of hope and the tools to nav…

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Understanding Herpes: Insights from an OBGYN

Interview John Martin YT (Blog Banner)

Living with herpes can be challenging and overwhelming, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. In a recent interview, we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. John Martin, an experienced OBGYN, who shared valuable insights about herpes, its impact on pregnancy, and how individuals can navigate this diagnosis. Join us as we delve into the conversation and gain a better understanding of herpes from a medical professional's perspective.

Don't Blame, Educate:

Dr. Martin emphasize…

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The Secret Society: An Online Support Group for Herpes Community

Secret society - show 2022 (Blog Banner)

Finding out you have herpes can be a difficult and isolating experience. When Alexandra, the founder of The Secret Society was first diagnosed, she felt alone and without support. That's why she created The Secret Society, an online support group for people living with herpes.

The Secret Society is a place where people from all over the world come together to find support, make friends, and talk about their herpes journey. It's a safe space where people can be open and honest without fe…

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Accepting My Flaws and a Herpes Diagnosis - There Is More than Just Herpes

Accepting My Flaws and a Herpes Diagnosis (Blog Banner)

There are way bigger fish to fry in a relationship than having herpes. We always put the herpes issue as the worst possible thing that you could have and you'll never be accepted because you have herpes. Well I'm not saying its not a big conversation and I'm not saying that you'll always be accepted and won't get rejected but what I'm saying is that there are other big things too.

Someone asked me to talk about this as a blog topic. Saying that having herpes is just one of the things your p…

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Being Promiscuous Will Get You a Herpes Diagnosis

Promiscuity Will Get You Herpes (Blog Banner)

Well, yes and no. Yes, it's a numbers game and the more people you’re exposed to, the greater chance you have at contracting it. However, with over 80% of the population having herpes it makes it so common that even being monogamous, you can wind up with herpes. 

What we need to get away from is associating promiscuity with getting herpes and beginning to look at the fact that the majority of the population has it. I’ll get trolls on the internet tell me that I’m disgusting because I have h…

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Being Diagnosed with Herpes Later in Life (40s, 50s, 60s,...)

Being Diagnosed with Herpes Later in Life (Blog Banner)

Somebody once said something along these lines: Maybe that's easier when you're diagnosed at a younger age, but I'm over 40, it's so hard for me to accept this now.

It's easier to be diagnosed with herpes in your 20's. It's easier to get diagnosed with herpes in your 50's. These are all things I hear on a weekly basis. We always think the grass is greener on the other side.

I want to talk about this today because I've had a lot of people recently come to me and say that it would be way e…

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Afraid to Get Herpes: Here’s What to Do

Afraid to Get Herpes (Blog Banner)

Before getting herpes or a STD/STI I was terrified of getting one, especially herpes. I mean look at what the stigma says about people who have herpes. They are disgusting, they have slept around, they are whores that got this because they did something wrong and now they are paying for it and it can go on and on. Obviously I don’t beige this stigma and neither should you. 

In case you didn’t know I was actually a sexual educator back in high school. I went through training organized by Plann…

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Herpes Dating Stories: What You Really Need to Know when Disclosing

Herpes Dating Stories (Blog Banner)

Now that we have herpes one of the biggest fears is disclosing to a partner. I know this was my big fear and why I stayed the the guy I got herpes from for 2 years. I was so paralysed with fear of the rejection that I didn’t think anyone would ever want to date me because I was used goods. In fact this is the number one question I get from you all, whether it be in our weekly support groups or in DM’s or in the comments. The fear of disclosing just stops us. 

Let me just get to the point ther…

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