
What It’s like Being a Mom Living with Herpes

being a mommy with herpes (Blog Banner)

I didn’t know if I wanted to have kids but one of the first questions I asked my doctor when I was diagnosed with herpes was, “can I still have a baby”?

Becoming a parent is such a gift and whether or not we know we want to become parents, to have the option or choice taken from you feels gut wrenching. That was exactly how I felt while I was waiting for my doctor to answer. 

Now you can fast forward and look at my Instagram, Tiktok and see that I’m a mommy to the most adorable little boy. So …

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Recovery Soak

recovery soak (Blog Banner)

This is by far one of the best things you can do for yourself ever…not to mention especially when you  have a herpes outbreak.

You might have watched the last few videos or read a few of the blog posts as I’ve talked about the Secret Society Wellness products that were created specifically for people living with herpes outbreaks. But in case you haven’t heard of the Secret Society Wellness, let me tell you. The first product we came out with was the SPF Lifesaver Lip Balm. I can remember launch…

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My Favorite Supplements for a Herpes Diagnosis

My Favorite Supplements for Herpes blog

Okay so now you’re diagnosed with Herpes and you want to do everything possible to prevent the next outbreak or if you get one speed up the recovery time and lessen the severity of it, right?

That was exactly me as well. 

I’ve noticed that when people are first diagnosed with herpes they do 1 of 3 things. They go into fight mode, flight mode or freeze mode. We do all sorts of things with these modes; we loose it with our partner, we become angry people to be around, we just curl up in a ball a…

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Myths About Living With Herpes

myths about herpes (Blog Banner)

Before being diagnosed with herpes we have so many misconceptions about who has herpes and what it is like living with herpes. Honestly most of them are myths. I'll go through some myths that I had and I’d love to hear what yours are. 

Let me also say this: I taught sexed when I was in high school. There was this really cool program through Planned Parenthood where high-schoolers who went through Planned Parenthood’s training could go out into San Diego high schools and pier educated other high…

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Rescue Balm

rescue balm (Blog Banner)

When I ask you guys on social media if you know about the Secret Society Wellness products most of you say, no. Then if I ask you what do you know about a specific product or how do you like to use it I also get cricket. Many of you have dm’d me or left a comment asking to tell me more or how do I use this. 

So here we are talking about the Secret Society Wellness and the Rescue Balm.

First, let me start out by saying that I started the Secret Society Wellness products in 2019. I was actually …

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Living with Herpes

living with herpes blog

Now that we’ve received the diagnosis we’re living with herpes. There are probably so many questions running through your head and not to mention they are scary.

Some of them might be:
Will I ever date?
Will this outbreak ever go away?
Will I get another one?
What if I get rejected when I disclose?
Will anyone ever love me with herpes?
How do I disclose?
Can I get married?
What will cause outbreaks?
Is there a herpes cure?
Will I be able to have kids?
Who did I get herpes from?
And so many more questions…

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What a Herpes Diagnosis Feels Like: Both Physically and Emotionally

what a herpes diagnosis feels like blog

There is nothing that prepares you for the phone call you get from your doctor, or the email or even the in visit check up when your doctor says, “you have herpes”. 

Most of us are shocked, deer in the headlights, frozen, and probably end up crying. 

I was there in 2011 when I was diagnosed with genital HSV2 herpes. Today is not the day for my story, you can watch that here but today is talk about what physically is going on and then the emotional trauma we go through. 


  • Flu-lik…

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Interview with Caroline Goodner of Femiclear

Interview Caroline Goodner Femiclear YT (Blog Banner)

Today, Alexandra sat down with Caroline Goodner, a woman who founded OrganiCare, a company whose mission is 'to create all-natural and organic OTC healthcare products that are safe, effective, and simply better than the petrochemical-based industrial products used by most consumers today.' And it is something she and her team have managed to achieve. Their product, Femiclear is very popular amongst herpes patients.

While we all know that herpes stigma is far greater pain usually than the pain h…

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