054: #AskAlexandra How do I tell my ex I have herpes?
Ask Answer and Get the Facts about Herpes and handling your Ex
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The Life With Herpes Podcast
Welcome to today’s episode on Life With Herpes. I am recording this episode from Versailles, France. Yes, I am actually at the palace and recording this episode. I feel so cool. You will hear me get a little distracted with the hustle and bustle happening at the palace as there is a black tie event happening as I am recording this episode. The ball gowns were beautiful and it was pretty special to experience this.Anyway, on today’s episode, we hear from Lisa from Orlando asking a question for the #AskAlexandra portion of the show. She asks a great question, “How do I tell my ex that I now have herpes?” I proceed to answer this with a couple of additional questions. I want Lisa to truly understand why she is wanting to tell her ex. I know when you first have your herpes diagnosis your emotions can go from I am never telling anyone to OMG I better tell everyone I slept with. Sound familiar? So here are the questions I ask Lisa and I will ask you if you are in the same position.
- Why are you wanting to tell your ex? I mean really why?
- Is it because you believe that he/she gave it to you?
- Is it because you want to get back with your ex?
- Is it because you think you may have exposed him/her to it?
- Is it a way to get attention? Meaning, I will tell you this so you feel sorry for me and then maybe we can rekindle our relationship.

Thanks again, Lisa, for being vulnerable and submitting your question. I know the community appreciates it and your question has helped someone else.
Keep in touch with Alexandra Harbushka
www.lifewithherpes.comwww.instagram.com/alexandraharbushka (ps. There are some fun photos from my Paris trip on there)
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