052 #askalexandra What happens if I don't get treated for herpes?

Ask, Answer and Get the Facts about Herpes


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The Life With Herpes Podcast


Welcome to today’s episode on Life With Herpes. I am bringing this to you from a very exciting place, I am in Versailles France. I am actually recording this on the premises of the Versailles Palace. How cool is that?  You will have to check out some of the photos below and I hope you excuse me getting a bit sidetracked with all of the excitement happening around me. It was pretty cool and exciting to see everyone dressed up and heading to a real place for a ball.


“Take advantage of what our modern medicine has to offer.” - Alexandra Harbushka


Today’s #askalexandra question came from Erica who is from Wisconsin. She asked a really great question, “what happens if I don’t get treated and I don't tell my doctor that I have herpes? Well, I sum that up pretty quickly for you all...Nothing really happens. With that being said, it is not wise to not tell your doctor and not wise to not seek treatment. Today we have so many modern medicines so that we can relieve the pain and discomfort that it is wise to take the antiviral. I go on into more details on the podcast so feel free to tune in.


If you want to be cool like Erica then submit your #askalexandra question here.

This is me recording this podcast at Versailles. I hope you enjoyed it!

Keep in touch with Alexandra Harbushka



www.instagram.com/alexandraharbushka (ps. There are some fun photos from my Paris trip on there)



Join the community

If you are ready to join a community of people who are living with herpes also then you will want to join our slack group. It is FREE and it is a great way to find the support and comfort that you are looking for. Head on over to www.lifewithherpes.com and join our community. You will receive a slack invitation as soon as you sign up. See you in there.

Ways you can support the Life With Herpes show

And if you enjoyed listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed making it for you, please give the Life With Herpes show a review. It is a way to pay it forward to fellow friends who are living with herpes. You can Subscribe, Rate and Review the show through your iTunes app or on the desktop. Seriously, it helps out a lot more than it is a hassle for you. You see, iTunes has an algorithm that organically promotes the show, so the more ratings, and reviews the Life With Herpes Show receives then the higher it gets ranked. This is your way of paying it forward and helping someone find the show who really needs it. Oh, and you can totally use a fake name, so don’t worry about a friend finding you on the iTunes review. Talking about herpes needs to be spread as far and wide as possible. You are totally a part of this movement so THANK YOU!  Subscribe, Rate and Review

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